Monday, March 17, 2008

surveys make me smile

and bring me back to my myspace days

8 Things I Am Passionate About

1. Gymnastics
2. music
3. hats
4. colors
5. street style/photography
6. winning arguments
7. helping people

8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

1. Go skydiving....YAY, my coach sky dives, I want to go with him when i turn 18
2. Go to Australia
3. Go to Europe....Germany, Italy....everywhere
4. Win a contest
5. go to senior prom with someone
6. Have a dress up party
7. Have kids
8. wear cat eye eyeliner

8 Things I Say Often (not phrases, just adjectives/adverbs)

1. Icky
2. no
3. wtf
4. a smidge
5. seriously
6. eww
7. obviously
8. like

8 Books I Have Read Lately

1. The great gatsby
2. The awakening
3. Catcher in the rye
4. The wayward bus
5. The red pony
6. The pearl
7. America's dream
8. The lone ranger and tonto fist fight in heaven

8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over

1. Relax
2. swing swing
3. I was born a unicorn
4. Music is my hot hot sex
5. white houses
6. strawberry fields forever
7. bittersweet symphony
8. collide<3

8 Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends

1. We think alike...well sometimes
2. They arnt stupid
3. They dont think im a loser
4. They understand i have a really busy life
5. They laugh at me
6. They are cool
7. They support me
8. They let me think that my crazy ideas are some what plausable